Imbolc is the celebration of returning light, a sacred rite of purification and dedication. It is the day on which winter turns upward to the spring. Imbolc falls half-way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Winter and death are cleansed away, and as the days lengthen, hope grows for the warmth of new life, a new personal path. It is a time for nurtured beginnings, a sweeping away of the past and an affirmation of things to come in the new year. Imbolc is a time of dedication and initiation, a time to make a fresh start, embrace possibilities, and trust in the mystery of the unknown.
At Imbolc, the Goddess Brigid, who later became St. Brigid, is honored and celebrated. She is a beloved Celtic Goddess known as “the Bright One” because of both her beauty and her fiery qualities. She is the protector of hearth and home. A fire Goddess, Brigid is
often associated with poetry, inspiration, and matters of prophecy and divination.

Solstice Hymn by Charles "BeautySeer" Elliott I rise out of darkness. I am the child. I come to return light to the world. You rise out of darkness. You are the child. You come to return light to the world. We rise out of darkness. We are the child. We come to return light to the world. They rise out of darkness. They are the child. They come to return light to the world. Together we can
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