Feminine Alchemy by Xia (Book Introduction)
“I learned to enjoy the alchemy of turning flour into bread, meat into stew, water into beer,” declares the heroine in Anita Diamant’s New York Times bestseller, The Red Tent. For me cooking has always been this kind of magical experience. As with so many other women, The Red Tent evoked in me a cellular memory of the power of women in community. The feminine history and myth related in this amazing novel stirred a desire to define my own personal lineage and the alchemy of my own evolution.
One of my earliest memories is standing on a chair beside my mother as she made biscuits—my job was to pat down those little gooey lumps of white dough. It’s what Southern girls are taught to do. I was amazed at the magic my mother performed when she put all that “stuff” together. Her hands quickly mixed everything, and with dizzying speed she snapped up pieces of dough, rolling them faster than the eye could follow into neat little rows of white, powdery balls, which she then patiently led my three-year-old fingers to. My hand in hers, we traveled up and down the rows of dough. She gently pressed my fingers into each little sphere. I was awed at the mark I left. Somehow I became part of the magic too. Heaping praise on me, she dusted the flour from her hands, and with a knowing smile, put the pan in the oven.
The wonderful smell of bread baking began to fill the house, and I followed my mother around the kitchen as she prepared the rest of supper. Once in a while she would open the oven door with gentle admonitions to “Stay back baby, it’s hot.” while I eagerly strained to see the enchantment happening behind that closed door. Eventually the magic would be done, and she would take the biscuits from the oven and put them on the table with the rest of dinner. My mother would open a steaming biscuit, butter it, all the while telling my father and brothers how I had made the biscuits. She placed the buttered bread on my plate with a wink and a loving smile. I received her love and encouragement as I received nourishment, stuffing the biscuit into my eager mouth.
Somewhere on my spiritual journey I discovered that most everything in life can be a ritual and naturally began a book, a grimoire of sorts, that was to become a guide for the unknown path ahead. Feminine Alchemy is the culmination of my journey as a woman, witch, seeker of truth, and as a daughter and Priestess of the Goddess. While my grimoire–a book of magical knowledge–has recipes for the body, they are recipes for the mind and soul, as well.
After many years of creating ritual art, I believe that everything we do can be a ritual. When we take the ordinary and mundane tasks of our lives and consciously do them, then we are creating extraordinary, ritually rich lives. The next time you come home from a bad day at work, take a ritual shower, and let the water wash away frustrations, anger, self-recriminations. If you’re packing and moving, make every box you pack an altar to a new beginning in your life. When you put your foot on the floor in the morning, make it the start of a new chapter in the book of your life. This book of ritual art or feminine alchemy is a reflection of my personal, spiritual, feminine journey.
Ritual is an expression, a healing modality, a tool for transformation, and an art form.
Ritual, for me, is a way of life, a way of living a conscious life.
Ritual is alchemy in its highest form.
Ritual is Magic.